Elevate Your Mindset. Elevate Your Mental Health.

I created a mindset journal specifically for athletes to allow them to elevate their mindset and their mental health.

It’s a resource that will improve your confidence and provide actionable tools to implement into your mental game.

It’s a 9 week journal that allows athletes to:

  • Learn a new mental skill each week.

  • Daily guided journaling to bring out their best performance.

  • Weekly reflections to celebrate their wins and set goals for the weeks ahead.

When I was in college, I was struggling mentally due to my sport experience.

I had just transferred to a 4 year university from a junior college. I was in a completely new town with no friends or family.

I wasn’t playing.

And when I went to ask my coach what I could do to improve or get on the field. I got nothing back. So I had no idea what I could work on.

It was so frustrating. And I was miserable.

I didn’t want to go to practice. I was unmotivated in school. I pushed family and friends away.

As I went through the season, I was more and more unhappy with where I was at.

But I never told anyone how I felt. I never asked for help.

I just silently suffered through each day even though I was incredibly unhappy.

And the worst part was I had to pretend to be happy around my team because I didn’t want to be labeled the Negative Nancy of the team.

This led me to quit after that season. I left the school and stopped playing soccer. It wasn’t worth it to me to feel miserable. I just wanted to finish my degree and move on. Because instead of associating soccer with joy, I now associated it with sadness and frustration.

The one good thing that came from this was that it strengthened my desire to get into the field of Sport Psychology. I wanted to help athletes. I wanted to give them the tools to overcome mental struggles. Most of all I wanted to provide them with support and allow them to know they don’t have to go through things alone.

And this is why I created the Elevate: Athlete Mindset Journal.

This is the journal I wish I had when I was an athlete.

It’s a place to vent, process, learn, celebrate, and grow.

And it’s ALSO a place to learn mental skills and how to implement them into your game.

It’s a resource I created for athletes so they have a journal to process what they are going through. A place to celebrate themselves and vent about the frustrations.

Journaling has been shown to improve mental health, reduce stress and anxiety, and allow individuals to process their thoughts and feelings.

I made this journal with every athlete in mind that needs a space to feel heard when they are struggling.

(OR a place to celebrate themselves when they are crushing it!)

This is more than a daily journal, you also develop mental skills that will improve your mindset and performance. You can add these mental skills into their daily routines in and out of sport!