Developing a Resilient Mindset During
Sports Injury Rehabilitation
Even though injury takes you out of the game, it doesn’t take you out of the mental game.
The mindset work doesn’t stop when an injury occurs.
Sometimes I get the question from parents or athletes wondering if they should wait until they return to sport from an injury to continue our work together.
I get it. If they aren’t playing what will they be able to work on mindset wise?
But, when dealing with an injury, mindset is not only one of the essential components to a healthy return but also a cornerstone to a successful rehab process!
Understanding the Impact of Injury on Mindset
First, when an athlete faces a serious injury, they are taken away from the sport they love for an extended period of time. Oftentimes athletes express that it’s the longest they’ve ever been away from playing their sport.
During this time, athletes lose a part of their identity. There is a form of grief that they may experience as a result of not being able to play. There is a distance they may feel from their teammates and friends. The emotions that arise as a result of this are different for each athlete, but it’s important that they have resources to help them process what they are feeling.
When athletes have the support to know it’s normal to feel whatever they are feeling about their injury. And support to help them see they are not only athletes. A successful recovery is much more likely.
Second, dealing with an injury, rehabbing, and preparing a return to sport can be a roller coaster experience. There will be many ups and downs they experience through the process. It’s important that athletes have the mindset tools to build a resilient mind as they face adversity in the process. As well as the needed sport psychology techniques to help them stay confident, consistent, and motivated through whatever is thrown their way in the process.
Third, injury can bring up fear that may not have been there pre-injury. Athletes may fear that they won’t return as the same athlete they were before the injury. They may fear that they will reinjure themselves upon return. They may even fear that the injury will affect their role/position/perception of others on their team.
Fears are normal, but ensuring athletes have the tools to face their fears, and dispel any irrational fears is essential. Because when players return with fear, it can have an impact on their thoughts about themselves, and thus their confidence. It can have an impact on the way they feel both physically and mentally, leading them to play tense or anxious. And ultimately, fear can have an impact on their performance, and the way they play when they return.
Coping Strategies for Athletes During Rehabilitation
Do a brain dump daily. Especially on the days when you’re feeling really negative and pessimistic about your injury. Write out all of the thoughts that are coming up for you. Just writing them out can help you process them and let go of them.
Have intentional positive thoughts you can utilize on those tough days. I like to call these power thoughts. Essentially, they are powerful thoughts that are going to make you feel confident, and powerful even in moments where you aren’t feeling your best. It can also be a specific quote that you utilize to motivate yourself or give you confidence.
Set daily goals for yourself. Nothing huge, but small daily intentions to help you have a specific focus and intention each day throughout your recovery.
Visualize! You can visualize yourself performing or returning to sport healthy. You can also visualize yourself feeling healing in your body where the injury is at.
Know who your support system is. Know the few people that are in your corner supporting you, cheering for you, and that will be there for you when you need them through this process. The bad days will happen, so having support on those days makes it so much easier.
Even though injury takes you out of the game, it doesn’t take you out of the mental game. Your mental game should be a part of the rehab and return to sport process because it may be one of the biggest adversities you’ll face in sport.
And although you won’t be on the field, the mindset tools I teach athletes still apply as they work through injury.
Building Confidence and Resilience Through Injury
Sport psychology techniques we develop during an injury include:
Overcoming Setbacks and Managing Anxiety
Goal setting in rehabilitation. We set goals so that you have a plan for recovery. We uncover what might hold you back and create a plan to overcome any setbacks in the process. As well as setting daily goals.
We’ll build your confidence during rehabilitation so that returning to sport feels like a piece of cake. You’ll dispel negative thoughts and make sure you're intentional and lifting yourself up.
Manage anxiety that can arise during the rehab process. We create routines to help you feel consistently at ease.
Mindfulness practices for injured athletes. We focus on creating stillness within your mind using mindfulness techniques so the stress and worry of an injury doesn’t weigh you down.
Maintaining Focus and Motivation During Recovery
Train you mind to keep your focus where it matters. There is so much that is out of your control when facing an injury so we want to make sure your focus is on what is in your control.
Visualization for injured athletes. We’ll create imagery scripts so that you are visualizing your best, healthiest, strongest self regularly.
Put the focus on your why so that you have the motivation to push through the tough days and enjoy the process.
Embracing the Journey Beyond Sport
Identity beyond athletics. Look at who you are outside of sport. Because being an athlete isn’t your only identity.
Resilient mindset development. We’ll build a resilient mind so that any obstacles you face won’t phase you. You’ll be able to overcome your current and future challenges with confidence and fearlessness.
Ready to Develop a Resilient Mindset and Overcome Your Sports Injury?
Facing a sports injury can be challenging, but you don't have to navigate the journey alone. We’re here to support you every step of the way. Whether you're struggling with mindset challenges, overcoming setbacks, or managing anxiety, we're committed to helping you achieve your goals and return to sport stronger than ever.
Don't let your injury hold you back any longer. Schedule your consultation now and let's embark on this journey towards success together.