Parents, Learn How to Elevate Your Child’s Mental Game

Being a sport parent is no easy feat.

There are a lot of sacrifices that go into it. The hours committed to traveling to and from practice and games. The money invested in their development. The dedication to the teams and organizations. Not to mention the occasional fundraisers and events you get roped into.

And at the end of the day you just want to see your athlete succeed.

You want to see them:

  • Performing at their full potential

  • Performing with belief in their abilities

  • Remain resilient through challenges

  • Able to bring their best consistently

  • Enjoying their sport

So when you don’t see these things, it’s hard. You wonder what more you can do to help them get there.

Is it more training? Private lessons?

In reality, it’s the mental game that will make the difference.

The mental game is what allows athletes to tap into their greatness while also having the tools to overcome the inevitable mental obstacles they’ll face in sport (and life).

And at Pina Performance Coaching we know it takes a village for athletes to reach their goals. Nobody ever does it alone.

This includes support from their parents.

So we’ve created an incredible resource that will allow you to be the ultimate support member on their team.

The FREE Elevate Your Athlete’s Mental Game: Parent Workshop.

This workshop is specifically for parents of athletes, and it is here to empower you with the knowledge and tools to support your child's mental game.

What You'll Learn:

  • Identifying Mental Struggles: Learn to recognize the signs of mental and emotional challenges that may be affecting your athlete's performance.

  • Effective Communication: Discover the best ways to talk to your child about their mental performance.

  • Proven Strategies: Gain access to practical techniques and exercises that help build mental resilience, boost confidence, and improve your athlete’s game.

Don't miss this opportunity to become the supportive, knowledgeable, and understanding parent your athlete needs. Sign up for the 30 minute workshop today and take the first step towards boosting your child's mental game.