Do you feel like you’re not performing the way you know you can?
You know you can perform better than you have been and yet there’s still something that isn’t clicking…
You step on the field and your heart and mind are racing. You can’t stop thinking about who is in the crowd. You are stressed over what your coach is thinking about you and whether what they think is going to affect your playing time.
The whole game your mind is focused on not making a mistake. Because you feel like if you do, it might be the one mistake that costs your team the game.
Plus when you do make a mistake, you’re ripping yourself apart afterwards. You tell yourself; you suck, how could you make that mistake, don’t do that again, and then you actually end up making more mistakes.
You know you’re good, and yet you step onto the field and doubt yourself. You just want to get rid of the ball as quickly as possible so that there is less chance of messing up.
Your frustration over a call the ref made completely takes over and you can’t mentally let it go. The frustration makes you do things you normally wouldn’t.
You feel like you’re playing with fear. Afraid to lose, afraid to mess up, afraid to disappoint your teammates.
In practice you feel confident, free, and you’re playing to the best of your ability. But when it comes to game time it’s like you’re a completely different player. You shut down, freeze, and can’t do the things that come so easily to you in training.
And at the end of the day you know you can play better than you are. You know you have more in you and you don’t want to wait until you’re completely dreading playing to make a change.
We get it! And you are not alone. These are common mental blocks that athletes experience. We specialize in helping athletes overcome these mental hurdles so that they can get back to performing like themselves again, and bring out their peak performance!
Performing at the top of your game is as much a mental game as it is a physical game.
If you want to play at the top of your game, it will require adding the mental game into the equation.
This means creating a confident, resilient, and adaptable mindset so that you can bring your best consistently.
If you’re an athlete I know you have the physical part of sport down. But the mental game might not be as clear for you.
That’s where we’ve got you!
We help athletes like YOU train your mind for peak performance.
Just like you continually train the physical side of your sport in order to sharpen your game, to be at your best mentally it will require you to regularly train your mind.
And when you train your mind THAT is when you win the mental game.
Win the Mental Game with 1:1 Mental Performance Coaching.
Mental Training allows you to:
Quickly and easily shake off mistakes in a game.
Manage game day anxiety so that you feel calm and ready to play.
Create a resilient mind that works to overcome challenges instead of feeling defeated when challenges arise.
Feel confident in yourself, your ability, and who you are as an athlete…EVERY time you step on the field.
Focus on yourself instead of worrying what others are thinking.
Have a positive mindset so that you are lifting yourself up rather than tearing yourself down.
Feel relaxed and comfortable in competitions.
Always feel prepared before a competition. You’ll know you’ve trained both mentally and physically and have the skills to get the result you want.
Stay focused on the present moment, instead of stressing over the outcome of a game.
Play the way you know you can…consistently!
Have a personalized mindset plan that you can utilize to continually train your mind to show up exactly the way you want to.
Let’s start your mental training!
Client Testimonials
Meet the Team
Heather Pina, MA, CMPC
Hi, I’m Heather! I help elite athletes feel confident, develop resilience, and perform better. As a former collegiate soccer player, I know firsthand the importance of developing a mentally strong mind that allows you to play with confidence and consistency. My coaching is the perfect blend of my experience as an elite athlete and my professional experience in the field of Sport Psychology at the youth, collegiate and professional levels. Together we will develop your complete mindset so that you have the mindset tools to perform at your best consistently.
Jessica Lewis, MA, CMPC
Hi, I’m Jessie! My role as a mental performance coach is to work collaboratively with athletes to help them develop their own mental toolbox, enabling them to effectively handle challenges and optimize their performance and well-being. As a former athlete, I truly understand the constant pressures that come with playing sports, and my goal is to provide athletes with essential tools to be successful in all facets of their life, not just in their respective sports. My aim is to equip individuals with skills to cultivate self confidence, manage stress and emotions, and learn to self-regulate.
Cierra Dvorak, MS
Hi, I’m Cierra! As a mental performance coach I'm dedicated to assisting athletes to discover fulfillment in their sport and elevate them to peak performance levels by cultivating a resilient mindset. As a former collegiate basketball player, I've been able to overcome my own obstacles and adversities while building up a mental toolbox in the process. My coaching approach is to foster an environment where you feel supported, valued, and understood, to enhance your weaknesses while increasing your strengths.
Mental Game Wins for the WHOLE Family!
“Before working with Pina Performance Coaching our son was struggling with his mindset and attitude. This would greatly affect how he played. One small mistake and he would be in a negative spiral. He wasn’t having any fun playing sports he used to love.
He is in such a better state now! Mentally, he can now brush off negative thoughts and use positive self talk. He has a whole “tool box” of mental strategies to use in moments of struggle or doubt. All of that growth in his mindset brought back the fun in playing sports. Which then allowed him to play to his full potential.
As parents, we also got tools added to our tool box of ways to help our child. Most of all we feel like we got our child back! He is so much happier now and has fun playing sports. Sure, he still has tough games or setbacks, but we have tools to use and now have the ability to reset when needed. We can’t thank you enough. You truly have made the most wonderful impact on our child and in turn our family.”
Parent of 12 y.o. multi-sport athlete

Ready to WIN the mental game?
We start with a 30 minute consultation.
During the consultation we discuss your goals and go through a complete evaluation of your mental game so that you know exactly where you’re at mentally.
You’ll know the exact areas of your mental game we want to work on. And how we will improve these specific areas so that you are reaching your goals.
We’ll also answer ALL of your questions about working together.
Then we go through the nuts and bolts of what working together will look like for you.
You’ll leave the consult with a clear understanding of where your mindset is at and whether or not working together is a good fit for you.
Let’s get started!
**If you’re an athlete under 18, we highly recommend your parents join us on the consultation. It will allow everyone to get their questions answered. Plus, we want to make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to your mental game. Because at the end of the day we’re all on your team, here to make you the best athlete you can be!
What Working Together Will Look Like
We first lay out a plan for our work together by setting goals. This will allow you to focus on the process instead of the result.
Then based on the evaluation we do in your consultation we dive into elevating your mental game. We will:
Work on your confidence. Uncovering what’s holding you back and creating a positive uplifting mindset. So rather than doubting you have full trust and belief in yourself.
Create a mental prep plan so that each competition you feel good and show up the way you want to. Consistently.
Create a plan to manage the emotions that will inevitably come up. Whether it anxiety, nerves, frustration, anger you will have a plan so that your emotions don’t negatively impact your performance.
Keep your focus where it matters. And let go of all the distractions, outside noise, and things out of your control.
Build a resilient mind so that mistakes or obstacles won’t even phase you. You will stay in belief and find ways to overcome your obstacles with confidence.
Take everything that we’ve covered and put it into a personalized mindset plan so that you know exactly what skills to use, when to use them, and how to use them.
During our 10 sessions together you will put in the mental reps to build your confidence, create a resilient mind, and leave with a personalized mindset plan to utilize in and out of sport.
Mindset Skills we will cover include:
Building Confidence
Competition Focus
Calming the Mind with Mindfulness
Finding & Sustaining Motivation
Life Out of Sport
What’s Included
1 on 1 Sessions
Ten virtual sessions to elevate your mindset. Each session we will address anything that has come up for you, focus on developing a specific mindset skill, and create a plan to implement that skill into your game going forward.
Beyond Session Support
Sometimes things come up outside of sessions and we’re there to support you through those moments. Whether you want to celebrate, ask a question, or talk through a mental block we’re there for you!
The Athlete Ascension Workbook
A copy of the Athlete Ascension Workbook will be sent to you. This is part workbook, part journal to supplement the work we do in sessions. From your pre-game mindset plan to daily evaluations, think of this workbook as a step by step guide to becoming the athlete YOU KNOW you can be.
Parent Support Session
One 30 minute Parent Session is included with the program for athletes under 18 years old. We know that parents want to support their athlete as they learn and grow. In this session we will cover how you can support your athlete, answer your questions, and make sure we’re all on the same page.
Client Results
Schedule a Consultation
We work with athletes of all sports and competitive levels. All of the skills we teach apply to any sport and level.
We have had the opportunity to work with athletes that compete in: softball, baseball, tennis, lacrosse, soccer, basketball, cricket, cross country, track & field, jiu jitsu, swimming, football, diving, hockey, golf, rock climbing, mountain bike racing, volleyball, table tennis, gymnastics, fencing, billiards, pickle ball.
We have experience working with athletes between the ages of 8-60. However, the majority of our clients are high school and college aged athletes.
The best time to get started working together was yesterday. The next best time is today. Whether you are in season or out you are going to get the benefits and see the results.
If you’re in season we will work through things as they come up and you’ll have the tools to implement into your game.
If you’re out of season, you will show up on day one of your season with all of the tools needed to be at your full potential.
All of our services are self-pay. We accept credit and debit card payments.
All sessions will be conducted online via Google Meet.
We highly recommend parents be present during the consultation. Client sessions are often best done with only the athlete. Although we are always open to a parent being present during our sessions.
You will have the opportunity to continue our work together in order to solidify the mindset you’ve developed in the program. You will also have the option to schedule as needed support sessions.
If you find that you need to cancel an appointment, please give as much notice as possible so that we can schedule clients who may be waiting for an appointment. No refunds will be provided for canceled sessions/programs. If you do not schedule or show up for your appointments, you will still be charged for the entire amount of the program.