Goal Setting Do’s & Don’ts

We are in the home stretch of 2020, with 2021 right around the corner. As we all know with a new year comes new goals, a new vision for the year, and new expectations. The new year oftentimes serves as a clean slate, so we set our new year’s resolutions to kick off the “new you”. This new slate allows you to start fresh after maybe not accomplishing what you wanted to or not following through with your new year’s goals from last year.

Maybe you are someone that doesn’t like to set new year’s resolutions or goals in general. If that is you, are you accomplishing what you want to accomplish? If not I would consider setting some goals for 2021. Goal setting provides direction and gives you control of your future. After this past year, it will feel so good to take control of your future and what you can do. Goal setting also provides motivation and boosts self-confidence.

I’m sure a lot of us have higher expectations for 2021. You are probably hoping to accomplish more and maybe even get more out of 2021 than you did in 2020. When you sit down to map out your goals for the year, how can you set goals that stick? How can you set goals that you will want to work towards even beyond the first couple weeks of 2021? Below are a few Do’s and Don’ts of goal setting.


●      DO - Write it down. Post it on your mirror, set it as your phone background. Put your goals somewhere you will see them daily.

●      DO - Be specific. Vague goals make it hard for you to keep yourself accountable and have a clear vision of what you are working towards. Example of a vague goal: If your goal is “get fit”. What does that mean and how will you know when you have accomplished it? Another example: “Drink less coffee.” What is less? How will you determine when it is achieved?

●      DO - Leave room for failure. Anticipate the obstacles and setbacks you may encounter and create a plan to overcome them.

●      DO - Track your progress. Know where you are at and where you want to be.

●      DO - Reward your successes. Determine your rewards for certain accomplishments. And if you hit your mark make sure you do give yourself that reward!

●      DO - Find a support system. Tell others your goals and allow them to hold you accountable.


●      DON’T - Beat yourself up over progress. Progress may be slow, stay consistent and the results will come!

●      DON’T - Guess about your progress. If you are specific and track your progress, you won’t need to guess where you are at.

●      DON’T - Expect perfection. Obstacles and setbacks will happen. If your goal is to work out daily, and you miss a workout don’t beat yourself up, but refocus and make sure you make it to your next workout. The moment you let one failure, setback or obstacle throw you off the path towards your goal, is when you let up and tell yourself maybe next year.

●      DON’T - Forget to set a deadline. When do you want to accomplish this goal? If progress is slower then expected it’s okay to adjust your deadline. But, make sure you are not creating excuses for yourself.

Keeping in mind these Do’s and Don’ts, write down what you would like to accomplish in 2021. Create a plan of action to achieve these goals. Start with your main goals, then break each one down into smaller goals that will lead to achieving that main goal.  Make sure that you are being specific with your goals, setting deadlines, accounting for setbacks, and choosing meaningful rewards along the way.

If you would like to discuss your 2021 goals and create a plan to achieve them, schedule a free consultation with me! Together we will get you where you want to be!


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