Master Your Mindset & Reach Peak Performance!

In the self-paced Mindset Mastery Camp we dive deep into 4 skills that the best athlete’s in the world utilize to be at their best day in and day out. And we show you how to integrate these skills into YOUR game.

We’re covering how to:

  • Build unshakeable confidence so that you have belief in yourself in every competition.

  • Manage your emotions so that pre-game nerves don’t make you unravel.

  • Create a mental preparation plan that allows you to feel and perform at your best.

  • Keep your focus where it matters so that the mistake you made 10 minutes ago isn’t constantly playing on a loop in your head.

These are skills that will absolutely transform your game and allow you to be the athlete that you know you can be.

Who the Mindset Mastery Camp is for:

  • If you're an athlete that has doubt creep in and it leads to subpar performances, this camp is for you. We will cover how to recognize when doubt and negativity are holding you back and how to have unshakeable confidence in yourself and your abilities.

  • Inconsistent performances can be extremely frustrating. Especially when you do well in practice but it doesn't translate to the game. We cover how to overcome the mental blocks that lead to a change in performance come game time.

  • Nerves are normal, BUT you don't want those nerves to lead to feeling tense, overthinking and under performing. We'll cover how to manage the nerves and show up at your best even when those jitters come up.

  • When you dwell on past mistakes, you start to feel down, doubt yourself and it causes a downward spiral of more mistakes. We're covering how to have a next play mentality so that a mistake doesn't feel like the end of the world.

  • Focusing on what others think of you is never helpful. It takes your focus off of what truly matters and puts it into things that cause you to overthink and stress yourself out. We'll be covering how to put your focus back on what is in your control so that you can perform at your peak.

  • Even when you perform well, your mind focuses on the one or two negatives from the competition. We're covering how to create the habit of a positive mindset.

Imagine you become the athlete that…

Can step into competitions with an unwavering belief in yourself and what you’re capable of.

You have trust that your training and preparation has set you up to succeed in the competition.

You’re able to play your game, taking risks, being you and getting into your flow.

Knows how to consistently show up at their best. Feeling confident, calm, prepared, and ready to perform.

You know what to do when pre-game nerves come up.

You know the routines that prepare you to be at your best.

Steps into competitions feeling light and loose, rather than tensed up with the weight of expectations, pressure and anxiety.

You silence the endless loop of pre-game worries so that you believe in the positive impact you’re about to make for your team.

And you feel prepared to handle the ups and downs that come with competing.

Doesn’t let a mistake weigh you down, you’re able to be present and move on to the next play.

You block out the noise and distractions that might cause you to overthink and worry.

You have a way to mentally reset when you’ve lost focus so that you can accomplish your goals in the competition.

And ALL of this together allows you to become the athlete that plays at their full potential. 

  • Performing like the athlete you know you can be! 

  • Meeting your expectations. 

  • Reaching your goals.

  • Stepping into competitions knowing you are good enough. You are prepared. And you are going to ball out. 

All of this is possible when you join the Mindset Mastery Camp where we are going to completely transform your mental game. We cover the 4 key mental skills that will unlock your full potential.

Camp Topics:

  • Start Here

    Before we begin...

    Evaluate Your Mental Game

    Mindset Mastery Camp Workbook

  • Set Yourself Up for Success

    Goal Setting Worksheet

  • Day 1: Group Session Recording


    Own Your Greatness


  • Day 2: Group Session Recording

    Managing Unhelpful Emotions

    Emotion Management Tools

  • Day 3: Group Session Recording

    Consistently Performing at Your Best

    Performing in Your Zone

  • Day 4: Group Session Recording

    What's In Your Control

    Refocus Your Mind

  • Schedule Your 1:1 Session

    Take Your Mental Game to the Next Level

Meet Your Coach

Heather Pina, MA, CMPC

Heather is a leader in the field of Sport Psychology with years of experience working with athletes of all ages, levels, and sports. She has worked extensively with elite high school and collegiate athletes, elevating their mindset to reach peak performance. As well as with a number of collegiate and competitive teams to create an elite culture and mentality that has led to success. Heather is also dedicated to growing the field of Sport Psychology by mentoring future sport psychology professionals and creating accessible resources for athletes everywhere.

What’s Included

  • Mental Skill Training Videos

    Each Module has a 30 minute training vieo to walk you through the skill and how to implement it into your game.

  • Mindset Mastery Workbook

    There is an entire workbook that takes you through each module and how to use each skill, as well as how to personalize it to your specific needs.

  • 1:1 Session

    You receive one 30 minute 1:1 session with one of our Mental Performance Coaches to ensure you have personalized support as you put these skills to use.

  • Lifetime Access

    You have lifetime access to the course and all of the content (and bonus content) so that no matter the season you’re in, you have the tools to thrive


What ages should enroll in this course?

These skills are valuable for any athlete at any age. However, because the athlete will be doing the worksheets and exercises on their own this camp is best for athletes ages 14&up.

Will these skills be relevant for any sport?

Yes! We work with athletes from all sports, whether it's an individual or team sport. And this camp will allow athletes in any sport to reach peak performance.

How and when do I schedule my 1:1 session?

Once you sign up for the camp you will have the link to schedule your 30 minute 1:1 session. You can schedule this session at any time. You can do it anytime before, during, or after the camp.

How long does it take to get through the content?

Each module has a 30 minute instructional video, and worksheets to supplement what you learn. I recommend going through one skill per week in order to fully digest each skill before going to the next one.

I’m ready to Master My Mindset!